Opinion: YouTubers to follow

Opinion: YouTubers to follow

Date: Sep 20, 2024Reading Time: ~2min

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TTRPG YouTubers You Should Follow!

With so many YouTube channels focused on TTRPGs, Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and other tabletop roleplaying games, it can be hard to find quality content. Let me guide you to some of the best TTRPG YouTubers out there.

Dave Thaumavore RPG Reviews

Link: @DaveThaumavore

Dave is one of the best YouTubers out there specializing in reviewing many different games. If there’s a game that's sold a few copies, chances are he's read it and given you a breakdown.

A little-known fact about Dave is that he has also written one of the most underappreciated TTRPGs out there, Fluxfall Horizon, using the Powered by the Apocalypse ruleset. If you like multiverse RPGs, then this game kills it.

Trevor Devall - Me, Myself and Die!

Link: @MeMyselfandDieRPG

Trevor began with solo actual play content. Since he's also an incredibly accomplished voice actor with credits such as Emperor Palpatine in Lego Star Wars and Rocket Raccoon in the Guardians of the Galaxy animated series, he knows his stuff!

His actual plays are great, with his 5 Parsecs from Home being my favorite series. He also does some other amazing content. His Sage's Library Series has amazing content.

AJ Pickett – D&D Lore and Forgotten Realms Expert

Link: @AJPickett

While I am admittedly not the biggest D&D fan out there, I absolutely love lore of all kinds, and after 50 years, Dungeons and Dragons has some of the best lore out there. AJ specializes in doing deep dives into The Forgotten Realms lore and sometimes branches out to other realms too. I can listen to this guy talk about Tabaxi, Duergar, and anything else for hours!

Sandy Petersen - Sandy of Cthulhu

Link: @SandyofCthulhu

If you like Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, or just the Cthulhu Mythos in general, this is your guy. Having worked at Chaosium on RuneQuest, and being the creator of Call of Cthulhu, I think it's safe to say he definitely knows his stuff.

While he may not be as high-energy as someone like Trevor Devall above, his content is worth watching.

Guy Sclanders - How to be a Great GM

Link: @HowtobeaGreatGM

I have learned so much from Guy, I couldn't leave him off this list. His content is so thorough and touches on topics you'd probably never think of.

He also wrote a book called "Practical Guide to Becoming a Great GM" that he also went through chapter by chapter in a video series he released for free. This stuff is just incredible.

Quinn's Quest

Link: @Quinns_Quest

A newcomer to the YouTube TTRPG scene, Quinn has hit the ground running. You might recognize Quintin from his board game channel Shut Up & Sit Down or one of his many other successful channels he never mentions for some reason. What sets him apart is his approach to reviews: he only covers games after playing at least short campaigns of them. But it's not just about the content, Quinn delivers his reviews with an incredible style that can only come from running multiple successful YouTube channels.

North of the Border

Link: @NorthoftheBorder

This is the only non-TTRPG related channel on this list. It's probably also the biggest at almost 2 million subscribers as of this post. His channel focuses on sculpting with polymer clay, usually while making small dioramas.

But hear me out. If you like tabletop crafting in any way, you WILL learn things from this channel. Not only is it just a joy to watch him craft things from nothing, but he uses techniques I have not seen on any tabletop crafting channel before.

Not to mention, he's an American living in Good ol' Britain, so he says "Aluminum" funny... which I just find hilarious for some reason and I'm not sure why.


These YouTubers offer some of the best content for TTRPG fans, whether you're into D&D, Pathfinder, or just exploring new tabletop roleplaying games. Follow these channels for reviews, actual play content, and deep dives into your favorite RPGs.

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